Saturday, January 15, 2011

Breatharian Diet [7-day cleanse]

Seven-Day Breatharian Diet

Day 1:
Breakfast - Pure Air (unlimited: no need to ration or measure)
Lunch - Pure Air (unlimited: no need to ration or measure)
Afternoon Snack - Pure Air (unlimited: no need to ration or measure)
Dinner - Pure Air (unlimited: no need to ration or measure)
Evening Snack - Pure Air (unlimited: no need to ration or measure)

Day 2:
Breakfast - Pure Air (unlimited: no need to ration or measure)
Lunch - Pure Air (unlimited: no need to ration or measure)
Afternoon Snack - Pure Air (unlimited: no need to ration or measure)
Dinner - Pure Air (unlimited: no need to ration or measure)
Evening Snack - Pure Air (unlimited: no need to ration or measure)

Day 3:
Breakfast - Pure Air (unlimited: no need to ration or measure)
Lunch - Pure Air (unlimited: no need to ration or measure)
Afternoon Snack - Pure Air (unlimited: no need to ration or measure)
Dinner - Pure Air (unlimited: no need to ration or measure)
Evening Snack - Pure Air (unlimited: no need to ration or measure)

Day 4:
Breakfast - Pure Air (unlimited: no need to ration or measure)
Lunch - Pure Air (unlimited: no need to ration or measure)
Afternoon Snack - Pure Air (unlimited: no need to ration or measure)
Dinner - Pure Air (unlimited: no need to ration or measure)
Evening Snack - Pure Air (unlimited: no need to ration or measure)

Day 5:
Breakfast - Pure Air (unlimited: no need to ration or measure)
Lunch - Pure Air (unlimited: no need to ration or measure)
Afternoon Snack - Pure Air (unlimited: no need to ration or measure)
Dinner - Pure Air (unlimited: no need to ration or measure)
Evening Snack - Pure Air (unlimited: no need to ration or measure)

Day 6:
Breakfast - Pure Air (unlimited: no need to ration or measure)
Lunch - Pure Air (unlimited: no need to ration or measure)
Afternoon Snack - Pure Air (unlimited: no need to ration or measure)
Dinner - Pure Air (unlimited: no need to ration or measure)
Evening Snack - Pure Air (unlimited: no need to ration or measure)

Day 7:
Breakfast - Pure Air (unlimited: no need to ration or measure)
Lunch - Pure Air (unlimited: no need to ration or measure)
Afternoon Snack - Pure Air (unlimited: no need to ration or measure)
Dinner - Pure Air (unlimited: no need to ration or measure)
Evening Snack - Pure Air (unlimited: no need to ration or measure)


Esselstyn, Caldwell B. Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease. (VEGAN)
2007. Penguin Group. ISBN: 0-978-1-58333-272-6

McDougall, John A. & McDougall, Mary A. The McDougall Plan.
New Win Publishing: 1983. ISBN: 0-8329-0289-6. (VEGAN)
McDougall, John. McDougall's Medicine: A Challenging Second Opinion.
1985. (VEGAN)

McDougall, John. The McDougall Program: 12 Days to Dynamic Health.
1990. Plume. ISBN: 0-452-26639-4. (VEGAN)

McDougall, John. The McDougall Program for Maximum Weight Loss.
1994. Dutton Book. ISBN: 0-525-93678-5. (VEGAN)

Tuesday, January 11, 2011


Make words loving, make them calm
Let them never do us harm
Words impact both near and far
Let \words be kind and never scar!!

Rene Descartes

Rene Descartes sits down for a meal at a Parisian restaurant. The waiter asks for his order, and he orders a veggieburger.
The waiter asks, "Would you like fries with that?"
Descartes says, "I think not," and instantly disappears.

Physics Joke

A hydrogen atom is walking down the street with a friend when he suddenly stops.
The friend says, "What's wrong?"
The hydrogen atom replys, "I lost my electron!"
The friend says, "Are you sure?"
The hydrogen atom exclaims, "Yes, I'm positive."
The friend laments, "Oh, I thought you were just being negative again."

Monday, January 10, 2011

Portion-controlled soymilk creamers for coffee

In the past, I have written about the market's need for a portion-control soymilk business, business producing soymilk as coffee creamers in small portions.

My reading is that somewhere, somehow, such products are on the market, but I'm unsure where that it.

When the dairies that make portion-controlled items produce those products, it's not done by dairies that produce soymilk exclusively (if at all).

We ought to ASK for this kind of product; then businesses would rise up to produce it.

Is there any reason that there ought NOT to be such enterprises, sponsored by private or venture capital?

For instance, if an entrepreneur wanted to create a portion-control soymilk business, s/he would research the portion-control milk business, see what equipment is used to make these products, scope out the suppliers of the equipment and supplies that are used, create 2 or more plans for developing the business (unique and nonunique) discern whether either plan is feasible (as a unique producer of portion-controlled soymilk coffee creamers AND as a contractor to portion-controlled creamers to produce soymilk 'runs' - no pun intended) for coffee marketers at various levels.